Create customized groups of scanner settings based on location or work requirements.Maintain of fleet of scanners with ease from any workstation.Easy deployment and effective device management.No need to sacrifice speed when using intelligent scanning features unlike many competitors.Intelligent scanning features enabled by default.Automatic page rotation, auto color detection, auto blank page removal.Automatic page size detection and deskew.Loaded with many features to automatically create excellent image quality without rescanning.SDK and optional third-party applications for integration with line of business systems.

High security to assist with compliance and regulation.Job Menu's based on individual user login to control scanning settings and destination(s).Scan to e-mail, folder/FTP, network fax or printer or Microsoft SharePoint Server Enterprise features.Large 8.4 touch screen high resolution (1024 x 768) display.Fast scanning speeds of 20 pages per minute and true double-sided speeds of 40 images per minute in color, grayscale or black & white 300 dpi.Loaded with intelligent scanning features.Multifunction functionality to reduce hardware costs.With the functionality of many devices, yet the simplicity of one, the ScanSnap N1800 network scanner contains the qualities organizations of all sizes desire to improve business processes. Network Scanner to maximize business efficiency